What kind of training do you receive?

We are Doctors of Chiropractic and Functional Health Practitioners . We received our doctorates from Life University. Our post doctorate education and training is in Functional Endocrinology and Clinical Nutrition. We have received complete training in the biological sciences such as anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, histology, blood chemistry, neurology and pharmacology, as well as conventional medical diagnosis and treatment. In addition, we have received extensive training in clinical nutrition, botanical medicine and lifestyle counseling.

Are you a medical doctor?

No. We are a Doctors of Chiropractic and Functional Health Practitioners. We received our doctorates from Life University. Our post doctorate education and training is in Functional Endocrinology and Clinical Nutrition. Therefore, we do not practice medicine and do not diagnose or treat diseases or medical conditions. We focus our practice on promoting health and optimal function. Our services are not meant to substitute or replace those of a medical doctor but our programs are meant to work in conjunction with them.

Do you prescribe medications?

No. We do not prescribe or make recommendations about prescription medications or controlled substances. Your prescribing medical doctor will manage all medications. We use natural, noninvasive methods such as nutritional therapy, herbs, supplements, stress management techniques and lifestyle changes to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal function and health.

Do you accept insurance?

Insurance may cover some testing and services but not all. We accept Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and personal checks (for in-person patients only). This program in general is considered above the standard of care and therefore elective as far as the insurance industry is concerned. Please check with your insurance company in order to determine if your plan includes out-of-network benefits. If so, you can submit a statement from your consultation and the insurance company may reimburse you directly.

Do you work with patients outside of Atlanta, GA?

Yes, we offer long-distance consultation (national and international) via telephone for those who live outside of the Atlanta Area. We’ve worked with clients all over North America and Europe.

How long will my treatment take?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the complexity of your condition, how long you’ve had it, how much time, energy and attention you’re willing to devote to treatment, and how well you respond to care. In general, health programs for chronic illnesses last between three and six months, but most patients start seeing improvement within the first month. Patients may elect to continue with a maintenance program after their initial care plan is finished.

How much will my program cost?

We do not accept every patient. We have a very specific application process to determine if you would be a good candidate for care. The application process would start with setting up an initial consultation. If you are accepted into the program, price depends on several factors, including the complexity of your condition, the extent of lab testing required, the combination of supplements, herbs and other therapies needed during care, and the number of consultations you receive. Some clients enter into testing alone in order to simply investigate their health and physiology and can do so for just a few hundred dollars while we have other clients who have gone to great lengths in both complementary and standard health care and invested many thousands in their health – note that these cases often are the professional athletes we work with. Where do you fit? While it’s not likely that you’ll want or need to utilize our services at the pro athlete level, the sky’s the limit and you can take your journey as far as you elect. We promise to make certain that whatever you choose-It’ll be on your terms.

How can I learn if I’m a candidate?

The best way to determine whether you would be a good fit is to schedule an initial consultation. This gives us an opportunity to learn more about your goals and needs, and gives you the chance to ask us any questions you might have. There’s no obligation.

Who are we?

Drs. Phil and Bridget Gatcha, D.C. are uniquely skilled and experienced at finding the root physiological, biochemical and hormonal causes underlying many diseases. They have broken free from the limiting approach of a “standard care,” which most often calls upon drugs and hormones as a first defense against these diseases without a real inspection as to the root underlying causes and contributing factors to each individual’s presenting complaints.

What can we do for you?

We use breakthrough diagnostic testing and analysis that’s rarely done in conventional settings to uncover the hidden causes of why people feel the way they feel. These doctors also takes great pride in delivering personalized health care options to patients as well as providing an environment that supports and inspires patients to reverse their poor health. See Functional Health tab for more information.

Who is our staff?

The staff are all highly qualified individuals who are dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible treatment for your health care problem. Staff members have extensive training that fosters an environment where each patient is treated like a human being instead of just another number as in the “assembly line” approach perpetuated by the “business of healthcare.”

What is our commitment?

We strive to fully understand the needs and concerns of our patients and we will work closely with you to ensure your good health is restored. To help ensure your health is improved, we offer extensive testing and customized treatment programs as well as an overriding dedication to helping you get better. We are a healthcare provider that is committed to meeting your needs and providing you with VIP service. Your health is our passion and our number one priority.

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