Run Efficiently Everyday

We believe that the human body has all the intelligence necessary to run efficiently for a lifetime. We understand that certain breakdowns in normal function precede most disease processes. To identify these imbalances and restore normal function is critical to take control of your health.

The Functional Medicine approach allows us to look at each patient’s unique biochemistry in the context of their current physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. With this information we “dispense” personalized therapies that can have lifelong effects.

We are an alternative… we are purposefully outside the norm on behalf of those individuals for whom the common approach is not beneficial. When key nutrients become deficient, many metabolic processes are affected and the body may try to compensate for such imbalances. However, if prolonged, this may contribute to hormonal issues, metabolic disorders, increase in toxic load, oxidative stress, organ weakness, etc.

The latest research can help identify a person’s needs and customize an effective solution. The cornerstone of an effective health strategy is simply based on your biochemistry. What your body needs can be revealed in your BLOOD TEST!

Based on cutting-edge science, functional health offers a whole new way to understand and look at chronic illnesses from diabetes to depression; heart disease to hypertension; autoimmune disease to autism; allergies to anxiety and more. The core concept is that chronic illness is an outcome of imbalances in the key underlying physiological systems in your body. When inflammation, blood sugar imbalance, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, hormonal problems, and systemic upset occur the body spirals out of balance. This in conjunction with poor diet, lack of essential nutrients, emotional stress, environmental toxins, lack of exercise, and other lifestyle issues set the stage for chronic disease to develop.

Functional health provides a method for rebalancing the body’s underlying physiological systems and addressing lifestyle issues that contribute to these illnesses. When this is done your biology’s inherent healing forces are unleashed and chronic illness is resolved naturally and quickly often without the need for costly pharmaceutical medications or invasive surgeries. In this way functional health care offers a unique approach to understanding the terrain of chronic illness and provides us a whole new way to address the epidemic of chronic disease we face in the 21st century.

We do not treat the individual diseases; we deal with underlying health dysfunctions in the individual patient. We do not prescribe or alter medications; we restore health. Our program works in conjunction with the patients prescribing doctor who will decide when and if the patient can reduce or eliminate any medication.

By addressing root causes, rather than symptoms, we can identify the complexity of disease. We may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. Functional medicine factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that may lead to improved patient outcomes.

At our clinic, health is being restored. Blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol levels are normalizing. Hormonal imbalances are corrected. Stubborn weight is coming off. Energy levels are being dramatically improved. Pain and aches are reduced and resolved. Brain fog is lifted, and sleep difficulties are improved. This is all achieved naturally and safely.

> Investigative

By addressing underlying cause of the problem, which leads to more profound and longer lasting results.

> Safe

Care itself can have mild or no side effects, and other unrelated complaints often improve spontaneously.

> Participatory

Patient is respected, empowered, educated and encouraged to play active role in healing process.

> Restorative

Tests and recommended action steps are designed to promote optimal function, prevent and reverse disease, and improve quality of life.

> Preventative

Guided by the Hippocrates, the father of medicine’s, saying to “let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food”.

> Holistic

Understands the body as an interconnected whole, and recognizes the importance of these connections in health and disease.

> Patient Centered

Treats the patient, not the disease. Recommendations are highly individualized based on patient needs.

> Interrogative

Combines the best of both modern and traditional medicines and emphasizes importance of diet and lifestyle.

> Evidence Based

Based on the latest research from peer-reviewed medical journals, and uncorrupted by corporate and political interests.

Are You Ready To Transform Your Health?

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